The Mission of the Township Of Middletown Sewerage Authority is to operate and maintain a wastewater collection and treatment system in a cost-effective manner for the protection of the environment and for the benefit of the public and our customers, in compliance with all regulatory requirements.

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The Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority, also known as TOMSA, held its original organization meeting on Thursday, March 31, 1966. TOMSA was formed by the Township of Middletown for the purpose of meeting the wastewater collection and treatment needs of the rapidly developing Township of Middletown. As wastewater related problems in the Township increased, and the number of small wastewater treatment plants serving individual housing subdivisions grew, the need for centralized wastewater collection and treatment became evident. 

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Failure to receive a sewer bill does not exempt you from paying your sewer bill or delinquent interest on that bill. Interest is not permitted to be waived.

Monthly Meetings

Next Public Meeting Date - Tuesday, January 21 2025 6:30pm

Regular Public Meeting Schedule